

Because we build so many different types of Movie & T.V. Replica Vehicles, we have chosen to use our all time favorite, the Mad Max "Pursuit Special", to give you an example of the process, and some of the levels of build that are possible. However, as a fully custom provider, keep in mind that we can craft any project to your exact specifications.
Have you always wanted a Mad Max Pursuit Special (Last of the V8 Interceptors)? We can supply base cars or parts if you are doing the project, or build a finished "Turnkey" car to suit your exact desire. You can have a "movie correct" styled replica with a non-functioning prop blower (turns on and off just like in the film). If you prefer we car build you a custom version of the movie car with whatever features suit your desires.
This option can also be considered a simple guide to the process of buying and importing just about any Australian Vehicle.
Services include:
Locate a suitable Australian Falcon XB, make arrangements for an independent inspection & purchase, complete all needed paperwork, quarantine, pack into a container, deliver to the dock, ship to the USA, clear US Customs, transport to your location in North America.
Current Estimated Cost:
US$60,000 - US$155,000
Payment & Project Steps
$350 Document Preparation fee
This payment will start the process by establishing your account. We then outline your ultimate vehicle requirements, establish your final budget, prepare the beginning paperwork, draw & sign contracts. |
$7,500 Vehicle Deposit
This goes right to Australia and will be used to locate and secure an XB Falcon for you. Once we have located a potential vehicle we will arrange for an inspection and digital photography. If the car passes our initial inspection process, photos of the vehicle [including any known or potential trouble spots] and a description & assessment will be sent to you for final approval. If the vehicle meets your approval, we move on to the final step. If not, the search resumes. |
$ [Final Balance]
Once we have a vehicle that meets your approval, you then need to pay the balance for vehicle (including shipping to the USA). We will then make the purchase of the vehicle, quarantine, pack it into a container, deliver it to the dock, ship it to the USA, clear it through USA Customs and arrange transport to your location in North America. |
Services include:
Locate a suitable Australian Falcon XB, make arrangements for an independent inspection & purchase, complete all needed paperwork, quarantine, pack into a container, deliver to the dock, ship to the USA, clear US Customs, transport to your location in North America. Build and supply a "Mad Max Pursuit Special" Fiberglass Bodykit ("Full Mad Max Bodykit" as seen in the Mad Max bodykit section of our website).
Current Estimated Cost:
US$75,000- US$175,000
Payment & Project Steps
$350 Document Preparation fee
This payment will start the process by establishing your account. We then outline your ultimate vehicle requirements, establish your final budget, prepare the beginning paperwork, draw & sign contracts. |
$2,500 BodyKit Deposit
This is a materials deposit for the Pursuit Special Fiberglass Body Kit. This allows us to begin the manufacturing process so that your Bodykit is ready for installation about when your vehicle arrives in the USA. |
$9,900 Vehicle Deposit
This goes right to Australia and will be used to locate and secure an XB Falcon for you. Once we have located a potential vehicle we will arrange for an inspection and digital photography. If the car passes our initial inspection process, photos of the vehicle [including any known or potential trouble spots] and a description & assessment will be sent to you for final approval. If the vehicle meets your approval, we move on to the final step. If not, the search resumes. |
$ [Final Balance]
Once we have a vehicle that meets your approval, you then need to pay the balance for the bodykit and the vehicle (including shipping to the USA). We will then make the purchase of the vehicle, quarantine, pack it into a container, deliver it to the dock, ship it to the USA, clear it through USA Customs and arrange transport of the car and parts to your location in North America. |
Services include:
Locate a suitable Australian Falcon XB, make arrangements for an independent inspection & purchase, complete all needed paperwork, quarantine, pack into a container, deliver to the dock, ship to the USA, and clear US Customs. Building a "Mad Max Pursuit Special" Fiberglass Bodykit ("Full Mad Max Bodykit" as seen in the Mad Max bodykit section of our website). Once your car arrives at our shop, we will strip the body, Make all needed body panel repairs and modifications, install the bodykit and give it the infamous Satin Black-on-Gloss paint as well as the blower & Injector hat (prop movie style setup, including red switch and on/off effect), zoomies [side pipes], RVS roof radio, blue police light and MFP style badges. Every XB Falcon base car is more than 30 years old, so we will also advise you of potential problems and give you the option of replacing additional parts as the project progresses. Once your car is complete we will transport it to your location in North America.
Current Estimated Cost:
US$195,000- US$295,000
Payment & Project Steps
$350 Document Preparation fee
This payment will start the process by establishing your account. We then outline your ultimate vehicle requirements, establish your final budget, prepare the beginning paperwork, draw & sign contracts. |
$2,500 BodyKit Deposit This is a materials deposit for the Pursuit Special Fiberglass Body Kit. This allows us to begin the manufacturing process so that your Bodykit is ready for installation about when your vehicle arrives in the USA. |
$7,500 Vehicle Deposit This goes right to Australia and will be used to locate and secure an XB Falcon for you. Once we have located a potential vehicle we will arrange for an inspection and digital photography. If the car passes our initial inspection process, photos of the vehicle [including any known or potential trouble spots] and a description & assessment will be sent to you for final approval. If the vehicle meets your approval, we move on to the next step. If not, the search resumes. |
$ [Balance of Vehicle and BodyKit] Once we have a vehicle that meets your approval, you then need to pay the balance for the bodykit and the vehicle (including shipping the vehicle to the USA). We will then make the purchase of the vehicle, quarantine, pack it into a container, deliver it to the dock, ship it to the USA, clear it through USA Customs and arrange transport to your location in North America. |
$15,000 Conversion Deposit Once your car arrives at our shop, we will strip the body, Make all needed body panel repairs and modifications, install the bodykit and give it the infamous Satin Black-on-Gloss paint. We will also install the correct; Blower & Injector hat (prop movie style setup, including red switch and on/off effect), zoomies [side pipes], RVS roof radio, blue police light and MFP style badges. We will rebuild the engine, transmission and driveline [if requested or required], recondition the brakes and trim the interior where needed.
As your project progresses, we will give you advice and options to replace any additional items that may need attention. You will also be advised as each stage completes and billed for the following stage (as outlined in your R.O.M.). |
$ [Final Balance] Once your Pursuit Special is complete we will provide you with a final invoice. Once final payment is received, your new car will be transported to your location in North America, and all of the closing paperwork and invoices will be sent directly to you. |
Services include:
Locate a suitable Australian Falcon XB, make arrangements for an independent inspection & purchase, complete all needed paperwork, quarantine, pack into a container, deliver to the dock, ship to the USA, and clear US Customs. Building a "Mad Max Pursuit Special" Fiberglass Bodykit ("Full Mad Max Bodykit" as seen in the Mad Max bodykit section of our website). Once your base car arrives at the shop, we will strip the body, make all needed body panel repairs and modifications, install the bodykit and give it the infamous Satin Black-on-Gloss Black paint. This option is also fully customizable to suit your needs (as reflected in the wide price range), and will include a full restoration including new everything! Once your car is complete we will then transport it to your location in North America.
Current Estimated Cost:
US$300,000 - (and up depending on your desires)
Payment & Project Steps
$350 Document Preparation fee
This payment will start the process by establishing your account. We then outline your ultimate vehicle requirements, establish your final budget, prepare the beginning paperwork, draw & sign contracts. |
$2,500 BodyKit Deposit This is a materials deposit for the Pursuit Special Fiberglass Body Kit. This allows us to begin the manufacturing process so that your Bodykit is ready for installation about when your vehicle arrives in the USA. |
$7,500 Vehicle Deposit This goes right to Australia and will be used to locate and secure an XB Falcon for you. Once we have located a potential vehicle we will arrange for an inspection and digital photography. If the car passes our initial inspection process, photos of the vehicle [including any known or potential trouble spots] and a description & assessment will be sent to you for final approval. If the vehicle meets your approval, we move on to next final step. If not, the search resumes. |
$ [Balance of Vehicle and BodyKit] Once we have a vehicle that meets your approval, you then need to pay the balance for the bodykit and the vehicle (including shipping the vehicle to the USA). We will then make the purchase of the vehicle, quarantine, pack it into a container, deliver it to the dock, ship it to the USA, clear it through USA Customs and arrange transport to your location in North America. |
$25,000 Conversion Deposit Once your car arrives at our shop, we will strip the body, Make all needed body panel repairs and modifications, install the bodykit and give it the infamous Satin Black-on-Gloss paint. We will also install the correct; Blower & Injector hat (prop movie style setup, including red switch and on/off effect), zoomies [side pipes], RVS roof radio, blue police light and MFP style badges. We will plan & build or rebuild the engine to your specifications and desired horsepower , and add any additional performance tricks (functioning blower, NOS, Turbo) that you may want. Rebuild or update the Suspension, Brakes lines & boosters, Cooling system, Air Conditioning and Power steering [if desired or needed]. We can add a new exhaust system from headers to zoomies, and your choice of transmission (manual or auto). We will have your driveline built to handle the horsepower your new engine is pumping out. Finally we install high end sound stop, new carpet, trim, rubber kit and glass. Your new beauty will run and drive better than new, and will look even better than the original Interceptor. You can even have the car finished top to bottom [chassis and undercarriage done in the same infamous satin/gloss black theme], suitable to park over a mirror at the finest car shows in the world.
We will give you regular updates, and billed for each stage along the way (as outlined in your R.O.M.). Also you will be consulted before and during each step of the process to ensure that you get every upgrade that you were after [even if you didn't know you could get it] and to keep your project on track and within budget. |
$ [Final Balance] Once your Pursuit Special is complete we will provide you with a final invoice. Once final payment is received, your new car will be transported to your location in North America, and all of the closing paperwork and invoices will be sent directly to you. |