Full Service Custom Parts & Vehicle Fabrication, Restoration, Importation
We started out simply enough. The Phrase "What kind of car IS that?" comes up in the background of almost everyone here at Mad Max Cars. Perhaps you have said the same yourself, or another popular quote "That is the Coolest, I MUST have one someday", about a car you saw on TV, in the Movies, or at a Car show. It was exactly this sentiment that brought about the first Australian Falcon imported into the USA for a client, setting us on the long road to where we are today, looking into the future of custom dream car manufacture.

Long established as a quality shop, Mad Max Cars has been quietly building a reputation as the Finest of Custom Vehicle restorers. At the same time we have been helping to re-engineer all of the replica parts needed to build our specialty vehicles from the Mad Max series of films, as well as others. We have been able to expand our services in such a quality manner due to the collected experience of our partners and staff.
Mad Max Cars is currently a collective of Craftsmen and Artists with over 100 years of combined experience from a range of disciplines throughout the Automotive, Aircraft, Graphics, and Fabrication industries. Our composite parts (Fiberglass/Carbon Fiber) are designed, constructed and bench tested by a fully certified Forensic Composites Analyst with Decades of experience in the Aircraft Industries. This is one of our many ways of guaranteeing our clients the ultimate in Durability, Longevity, Symmetry & Fit in our Parts, far exceeding any other available options. In the same way all of our custom fabricated Metal or Soft parts, and refurbished vintage items exhibit the attention to detail only achievable by established experts with long standing experience in their field.
We have also dedicated our experienced research staff to the task of coordinating with manufacturers of obsolete and rare parts to reissue critical pieces needed for accurate Replica Vehicles and Props. This has often led us to the four corners of the planet, and to partnerships with owners of defunct companies, as well as huge corporations that now own the original manufacturers. Many of the parts in our "Max Accessories" section have been brought back to the public in this manner, or as a last resort recreated to our strictest of standards by our staff and partners.
Today we stand ready to accommodate nearly any request to fabricate a custom vehicle to meet the highest of client requirements. We have refined the process of making your dream (car) come true. Sure we specialize in cars from the Mad Max films, but our current projects of restoring a screen used KITT from Knightrider, Greased Lightning, and many other beloved Movie & TV "Hero" cars begin to show our diversity and adaptability.
Give Us A Try and We Can Make Your Dream Come True!